I had been running in and out of a meeting with great confidence, preparing to give my presentation. Minutes before I was to stand in front of the executive audience,…
Dames – Tom Peters (management guru) loves us. He declares that woman are “where the money is.” Listen to these stats from his book Trends: [Women] are the instigators-in-chief for…
The “Housewives of Atlanta, New York, Orange County, etc.” have to be produced by men. They are the current equivalent of females mud wrestling. (more…)
When I was pregnant with both kids, I would have these bizarre, hormonally fueled dreams that, if interpreted, might have put me in the loony bin. When pregnant with my…
Menopause is making professionalism a little challenging. I’ve given presentations for over twenty years. I’ve always been confident in my speaking ability, no matter how large the audience. That was…