I remember a crude but funny joke about women that said, “Never trust anything that bleeds for seven days but doesn’t die.”
I told you it was crude. But here’s the point – our physical challenges don’t make us weak. They make us STRONG.
My daughter has me hooked on the television show “Vampire Diaries.” If you’re not a fan, then the clip below might not make sense to you. Let’s just say that the female (Elena) is human, while the love interest she is talking to is a vampire (Stefan) who is under a spell that blocks all of his human feeling. In this scene, there is some slight violence but don’t worry – the stake misses the heart while scoring one point for women.
Elena knows our secret. Women are centuries stronger than men because we:
- Go to school in spite of cramps that are similar to what is experienced after drinking water in Mexico.
- Endure the teenager eye-rolling during peri-menopause without physically tackling them and pounding their skull into the ground.
- Accept the fact that our greatest burdens, menstrual cycles and menopause, have the word “men” in them but impact only women.
- Can lead business meetings even though every artery is opening up and we are sweating through our suits.
- Endure social institutions that constantly tell us we’re second-class citizens, even though some of us created the men sharing that information.